Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Draft 1

This is the first draft of my music video, as it's the first draft then it is going to be quite bad in comparison to what the final music video will be like. At the moment, there are a lot of shots which still need to be added to the video, as well as the beginning few seconds of the video are still a black screen. This is going to change as of Tuesday 8th April, as I am filming two guitarists tonight which will be featured in the beginning instrumental of the video, as well as more shots of the two boys which feature in the video singing - this relating back to the male actually singing the video. As well as this, I am featuring a third male singer today as well, adding more shots to make the video more complex and interesting. The shots where you can see Jenny holding the lyrics on a sheet will be replaced and possibly re-shot, as well as Hannah may be getting filmed again with more confidence and focus on the camera, instead of looking everywhere but the camera a majority of the time.

I like the idea of using different people to sing different parts of the song, even if they are of a different gender to the person singing the song. I think it has a nice effect, and can also prove and give the feeling of unity between the singers, this relating back to how the song is about finding people just like you, and finding a place where they belong. I think the use of different locations is also effective.

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