Friday 8 November 2013

Album Artwork/CD Art

The above image is a collage of recent pieces of album artwork, from bands which feature in a similar genre to A Day To Remember, the band I have chosen for the music video. The styles vary with each sub genre, for example; the System of a Down album cover in the top right of the image features an odd looking woman, staring right at the audience, which almost makes it slightly mesmerizing. This relates to the genre as the band are known for having almost hypnotic styles within their instrumental moments within their songs. The album art from a band's CD often representing their style, and also some of their songs. The album name also reinforcing the points previously made.

When it comes to the album covers, the images or graphics on the front of the cover have to match the genre of the album/artist in some form of way. Not only for the fact it will make the album look better, but also for the fact of audience appeal. Audiences are often attracted to visuals that they recognise and also feel comfortable looking at. As an example; if someone who was looking for a Linkin Park album within a shop such as HMV, would look for items such as spray paint, grunge scenery, or indie kind of artwork upon the cover. This is due to how comfortable they feel with the album art, they're used to the music giving across an indie vibe, and that's what they expect on the album cover. If the album cover was bright pink, with yellow flowers featuring around the sides, they would most likely feel uncomfortable, and go in search of another album belonging to another artist. 

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